Monday, 12 December 2011


pikces ehsan google...;-)

i knew most of the people hate Monday including me...i dun know since when i begin to hate Monday...or it is all the while i hate Monday...or bile aku terpaksa main kejar2 buat sesuatu keje sb dateline dah hampir tamat...(ni kes keje last menet la ni ekekek...) 

aku slalu merungut...why are the weekends so fars frm mondays but mondays are so near from the weekends ;-( this becoz Monday is the first day to go back to work, college etc...

hmmmm pastu mula lah bangkit pagi bad mood n kelas yg sejam ari isnin slalu menjadi korban kemalasan aku...Monday Blues...

but anyway, no matter how we hate Monday Blues, we still need to work or doing same routine to continue our life...we have to accept this FACT!!!...wish everyone have a Wonderful Monday..!!! well last but not least kat sini aku saja nak share ngn korang wat is the meaning of Monday Blues...aku pun search google jek benda alah ni...korang baca2 lah ye....

What is the meaning of monday blues.........?

Let’s break the idiom into its main meaning components:

Monday + Blue:

Monday is the first day of the week for Christians;

Functionally, however, it has turned to be the first working day for many people of different religions if they are employees in non-Muslim coutries (unfortunately!)

Let us look at some connotations of Monday:

1. Monday morning feeling: the way people feel after the weekend (= Saturday and Sunday) when they do not want to go to work or school: I've got that Monday morning feeling.

2. Monday-morning quarterback: someone who says how an event or problem should have been dealt with by others after it has already been dealt with.

3. Don't you hate going back to school on Mondays?

4. The theopry was that by Monday their tempers would have cooled.

5. I mean, like when you were a kid, when you knew that Mondeay was coming, and the clock was ticking away!

6. ... on a mundane Monday, they are failing in their duty.

Blue was first use only as a color in English, and people started to associate it with many different emotions, meanings, memories, attitudes, etc.

If you study the English texts, however, you will find most of the cases to be negatively-oriented: 

1. Her hands were blue with cold (= slightly blue because of the cold).

2. If you say or shout something until you are blue in the face, you are wasting your efforts because you will get no results: You can tell her to tidy her room until you are blue in the face, but she won't do it.

3. If something happens out of the blue, it is completely unexpected: One day, out of the blue, she announced that she was leaving.

4. very rarely:

My sister lives in Alaska, so I only see her once in a blue moon.

6. to show your annoyance about something, especially by shouting or complaining very loudly: He'll scream blue murder if he doesn't get his way.

7. feeling or showing sadness: He's been a bit blue since he failed his exams.

8. a type of slow, sad music, originally from the southern US, in which the singer typically sings about their difficult life or bad luck in love: Billie Holiday was famous for singing the blues.

10. have the blues: to feel sad

11. blue-collar: describes people who do physical or unskilled work in a factory rather than office work

→ So the meaning of MONDAY in English cuture is associated with such connotions as:

1. reluctancy

2. being late in guessing
3. the cooling of tempers
4. unwanted arrival
5. being mundane
6. failing

→ And the meaning of BLUE in English cuture is associated with such connotions as:

7. cold

8. wasting your efforts
9. being unexpected
10. being rare
11. annoyance
12. sadness
13. difficult life or bad luck in love
14. physical or unskilled work

To put all these together, we can define MONDAY BLUES as:

The low-spirited, cool, annoyed, sad, unlucky mood of those workers, students, or employees who feel that a mundane, difficult, unexpected Weekday is arriving to force them into going back to work, killing their joys and annoying them.

All this was a discriptive approach.

Prescriptively, however, I think we’d better look at Monday as a day to start:

1. feeling energetically,

2. working with high spirits,
3. helping others,
4. planning a successful day,
5. designing a fruitful week,
6. ...

And let‘s not forget that:

Almost all prizes and achievements have been gained on weekdays, rather than on weekends!

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